Do not use this web site if you do not agree to all these conditions: is committed to the highest standard of quality information and every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate information. However gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this web site and accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result on such information.
Education Post values the privacy of individuals who visit our website. This statement sets forth the important information which you need to know about how we collect and use personal information from web site visitors.
The type and amount of information we receive about you depends entirely on how you use our site. For instance, you may read and download information provided on the site without providing any personal information at all. Our web server will collect your domain name (for example, and means of entry to our web site (for example, via a particular search engine), the date, time and duration of each visit and the site pages visited. This information is collected and used for informational purposes only. We use this information to measure site usage and to make the site more beneficial to our visitors.
Personal information including name, location, e-mail address, company affiliation, telephone number, etc. is provided on a voluntary basis only. We use this information to respond to inquiries and requests for further information. We will not share or sell the personal information you provide us to a third party at any time. Education Post takes reasonable precautions to keep all information obtained from our online visitors secure against unauthorized access.
A cookie is a small data file that web sites commonly write to the site visitor’s hard drive when a site is visited. A cookie file contains information that can identify a return visitor each time he or she visits our site. The data is encrypted for added security. Our web site may use cookies as a way to measure activity and traffic patterns on the site in order to continually improve the visitor’s experience. Cookies also provide visitors the convenience of not having to log in a password more than once our site, thereby saving the visitor time while on our site.
A browser can be set to warn the users before accepting cookies. Users can choose to refuse cookies by turning them off in the browser. Users do not need to have cookies turned on to visit our web site, but will need them to use certain customization features on the site that we may launch in the future.
Education Post do knowingly collect information from or about children age 13 and under.
Our site contains links to other Internet web sites, and Education Post is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of any linked sites.
Any questions regarding this statement should be directed to our site contact us tab at
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